Quizzes and fun
Suz Pathmanathan

The Ultimate London Quiz

London boasts a fascinating and diverse history and culture, from kings and queens to scientists, artists and more. But just how well do you know the city? Did you know that initial proposals for the London Underground were pretty outlandish? One included filling tunnels with water and transporting passengers via underground barge, or attaching horses to carriages and pulling them through the dark tunnels. Or that Sir Christopher Wren originally wanted to design a 60-foot stone pineapple atop the iconic St. Paul's Cathedral? Would you believe, the beloved Winnie the Pooh character was actually based on a real-life black bear named Winnipeg (Winnie for short) that lived at London Zoo from 1915 to 1934 after being rescued by cavalry veterinarian Harry Colebourn? How about the ironically morbid fact that more people have "officially" died from falling off The Monument than died in The Great Fire of London, which The Monument commemorates? The official reported death toll from The Great Fire of London is six verified deaths, whereas eight people have died falling from The Monument. With so many amazing stories and fun facts, we've delved deep into the city's history and whether you're a Londoner or a first-time visitor, it's time to test your knowledge and sink some time into discovering London, virtually, with The Ultimate London Quiz.

What virtual London tour should you take? How well do you know London?

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How well do you know Wimbledon?

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Which Dickens novel character are you?

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Which British king or queen are you?

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Which historical Brit are you?

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Which British woman from history are you?

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Shakespeare Characters: Which one are you?

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We Know What You Should Eat at the Pub

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